
125 Movie Reviews

38 w/ Responses

Not what I hoped for.

I believe I'm supposed to review this.

I will make a VERY long post about this. Even though it will be constructive, you may not be able to take the critism. Anyways... (*Glad, Evil Laugh*)

Graphics: Not very impressive. The fonts had almost the same color as the background. (Think grey, white, light-blue... Not very good huh?) It's still ok. The background is linked metal. Hmmm... Look at the pattern. Why would anyone make a pattern like that? I don't think it's cool, it looks like a kid made it and thought it was cool. But it would never be worth building such a metal door or wall. So the background picture looks, as in modern tounge; "Gay". The play button need to be fixed too. The triangel which you're supposed to press does not sit in the middle of the circle.

Style: Not impressive at all. I would like to see someone who knows what he/she talks about to do something like this. And your guidelines are incorrect. YOU are supposed as a reviewer to choose whatever you want. According to how I review movies for example:
0 = Bad, none existens.
1 = It's not the best, but atleast it's something. In Interactivity I give 1 point for each function. A pre-loader does often automaticly give you 2 points.

And I won't talk about what the rest of the points mean though it's different all the time.

You also said that you would respons to all the reviews. That is one simple step for a reviewer. A reviewer do also answer to all the reviews they get. So you would encourage authors to respond to their reviews.

Sound: The music got two beats which crossed eachother with a variety. As the author you're responsible for picking out the best you can find (That's why I pointed out the background).

Violence: Not existing. If not the violations of that every reviewer put up their own rules for how many points means what. See it as 0 = Bad and then 1 is good but for each number it rais it's better.

Interactivity: Put a invicible button behind the graphic (The text) instead of making the text into the button itself. And the replay button did't take you to the instructions. Not good.

Humor: I think it's funny that you as an almost unknowing person gets into a subject as if you could give advices. (I got to say that I usually ain't this mean, but if this is supposed to be a guide (Which I saw you say in a update, claiming for not getting the front-page) it got to be flawless.

Overall: I could put 0:s on everything and then 10 at Overall 'cos there is something I think you missed which ain't in the other guidelines. You said something about that but then in the test, you didn't give ful points for those who used that as an answer. The "wrong" answers didn't make sence in the sentance either which is bad.
Anyway, you'll get 5 for your effort and so on. Afterall you tryed, even though I would only recommend this as a basic guideline. Any big reviewer would have their own opinion about this.

Anyway, thank you for submitting on Newgrounds!

/Mathias Andersson

Potski responds:

Hmmmm. I don't know what to say.

Making you happy!

This was awesome!
You'll get extremely happy while watching this! (*Extremely Happy Smile*)

I love the animation (The pre-loader is great. Watching the NG tank which is drawn by you)! With these little happy creatures and the boat!

The sound is great, even if there is no effect sounds. The song really fits to the music and it's all happy! (*Smile*)

Oh, by the way. You also DIDN'T made the fault almost every flash artist makes (Including top artists as David Firth). When you press the re-play button, you'll get to the first frame in the movie, something which show the audience that this is a true Frame-by-Frame work!

The only thing I can complain about is the quick end. The music does not even fade (This is easily fixed in Macromedia Flash by going down to properties and then press the button at the right side under the flitch there you choose your music. It's written "Edit" at the button. Just press that one and then go to the second there the music should end and by clicking the volume string you'll get a new square soo you can put that at the place were the music are supposed to end and drag the other (The first square) to the place there you want the mmmusic to start fading. Play abit with it and you can get as many squares as you want, just keep clicking) even though you can recognize that the movie is going to end.
(I'm sorry, my help could be hard to understand but I don't got the program infront of me).

Ah, you should also put some music in the pre-loader and after the movie has ended so you can listen to some loop in the frame with the replay button.

Anyway, keep up the good work!

/Mathias Andersson


This was a very good movie. I still think David Firth's movies represent pure madness of a mental sick person. This one could be asosiated to a simple rip-off but I can see a lot of diffrences. David Firth's movie is probably the closest biography of a mental sick person ("Salad Fingers" and "Spoilsbury Toast Boy" are two examples), but your movie is the closest one we'll see made entierly out of inspiration of David Firth (I guess) and horror films (Et cetera).

I like the brick which were dragged towards the ground, almost making a metallic sound. It made you feel the sharpness of steel and pain.

I really liked this movie. So it's in my favorites now. (*Smile*)

Oh, I also like the characters (Because of the originality) which could come to be one of the front figures of Newgrounds (As "Madness", "Salad Fingers", "Alien Hominid" and "Retarded Animal Babies" and all the rest) if you would make more of these movies.

Thank you VERY much for submitting on Newgrounds! I'll hope to see more from you!

/Mathias Andersson

Quite good.

To start with it's spelled as "beneath".

I would like to point some things. Some things made me lower some scores and the overall:

Graphics: 4 instead of 5 because of the ghost on the stage which were poorly drawn. If you'ld just draw that ghost (And the star beneath the stair) better (Which ain't really hard though there's only two small characters I'm requesting), it would look alot better.

Sound: You'll get 9 in sound 'cos the song is good enough and so on (Very good song), but I considered lowering it to 8 though afterall it's only a song, the teddy's voice is abit annoying and the movies in the background (Like when something jumped out from a cliff (Unfortainly I couldn't see what it was, maybe a bird or a seal) does not contain any sound effects.

Interactivity: Did not get 4 though it was hard to see that the guitar was the re-play button, and it only took you to the pre-loader, not to the first frame (A.k.a. the beginning of the movie).

Overall: 5 = 5 on a 10 scale is 2.50 on the 5 scale.

Anyway, I think this movie is good. You're teddy doesn't look so happy, but I suppose it ain't.

Thank you for submitting on Newgrounds!

/Mathias Andersson

die-kid03 responds:

hahaha i knew i spelled that wrong!I tried to spell it out like 5 times but it looked wrong every time i typed it.. hahaha thanks a bunch man. I must say, your review was probably one of the most thorough and fair reviews i've ever recieved....thanks dude.


Just too predictable but good anyway!

I like the the graphic and so on but unfortainly it wasn't as good as those usually are. Probably just a little idea which you thought you had to do.

Anyway, keep up the good work!


This is the best I've seen yet!

We all recognize the hardship of getting up in the early mornings. And that is probably the reason to the high score.

I got nothing else to complain about than some high pitched notes.
Othervise; Flawless!

Keep up the good work!

/Mathias Andersson


Finally a new "Boy Scout" episode!
I've been waiting on this one to come for ages. It's good to know that you're still making them! (*Happy*)

Probably the best black-humored movies on the portal. Or wait, this is the best black-humored serie on the portal!

Keep up the good work!

/Mathias Andersson

Awesome! A new "R.A.B." movie!

This was so great that I can't even believe it!!!

The voices is great, I can't believe that only one person made them all!
The grahpics are also great, animation. Everything about it!

The humor then! This is totally going to get into my favorites.

Thank you VERY much for submitting your hard work here ar Newgrounds and I'll hope to see more from you!

/Mathias Andersson

Thhe graphics were good.

I like the nice picture of the house with the background of a stary dawn with the moon and a falling star (I belive that I could see a VERY thin lightblue line around the moon, or maybe it's just me). Very good anyway!

I do also hope tht you could put that in English though.

I think the characters looked good, not mention the effort you must have putted down into the sounding. Every step the characters took followed with an perfect syncronozide sound! (*Happy*)

This was WAY better than I had expected and the replay button, play function and everything was there, yes. Alright. That was good then.

Hope to see more movies from you!


/Mathias Andersson

Rose is dead, her neighbours has no clue, the basement has started to smell, but not as much as you!

Mathias Andersson @Andersson

Age 37, Male


http://z6.invisio nfree.com/CP

Stockholm, Sweden

Joined on 6/13/04

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