
38 Movie Reviews w/ Response

All 125 Reviews

Locks poluting Newgrounds? =/

One of the agreements for submitting a flash submission goes:

"Personal attacks towards other Flash authors will result in deletion".

This movie is rather close to break that agreement and so is this more of a submission poluting Newgrounds than Clock and Lock movies are.

Continue to vote fairly and make reviews. But through making a low effort submission by yourself, you ain't exacctly helping.

As I see it, this submission deserves a zero for Style as it's supposed to deter Lock members to submit their movies.

Remember, that there are Locks and Lock mimics.

Through making this movie, you are restraining the Locks who are making high effort movies who actually deserves their three plus scoring.

Vote based on the movies effort and if you have something to complain about, you will be able to make threads on Newgrounds' forums.

Down-With-Locks responds:

PERSONAL... as in if I picked out 1 person to attack... notice that I used fake locks, and I used no Names.

Great timing!

The timing of this release were great when the third episode of "Star Wars" will be released the 15th (Or something). The only bad timing this movie had was that I had a class when it entered the portal (The reason to why the review comes so late).

Anyway, the movie is great. It's very funny as usual and the art work is good.

The explosion in the ned doesn't look very good though, you could have done it frame by frame.

The opening title is good. I'm use to that the opening title gets smaller in the same pace, even though it's more far off in the middle. Which makes it look wierd, but you managed to get through that.

The voiceactors (Or maybe it's just one voiceactor who's recordings you've putted on eachother) singing to the opening title is annoying when you just listen to it. If you read the opening title (Which is darn funny), you won't notice the annoyment much, and it will be pretty decent. (*Smile*)

Well, overall, this is really good, but not my favorite episode.

/Mathias Andersson

Dave responds:

I could have done the whole movie frame by frame dude, but I figure folks might want something to look at more than once every two and a half years. So, I cut corners. It's a Flash film not Fantasia.

I do have a horrible singing voice, don't I? Even pitch shifted. I don't have a big-ass multitrack studio or I'd have had all five animals singing together in key (not easy when voices are being pitch changed across the octave!). If I ever put this episode on a DVD for sale it's all gotta be redone anyway for fear of Lucas crawlin' up my keester.

I love it!

This was awesome!

I like the background sounds there you hear the city traffic and the sound from the paper and his footsteps. It's very well made!
But I think you could have putted in one sound more like a scream from Brandon when the power were cutted for the whole New York City!

The compression and the file size is great. The interactivity good too; It's too ordinary that flash artists let the replay button take you to the preloader to let you press "play" when you're there. But this replay button did acctually work as they're supposed to; You were taken to the first frame of the acctual movie! Good.

I loved the story, a celebration movie to your friends new job! Haha I wonder what he'll say! (*Smile*)
I don't care if the movie only were a half minute long; it were extremely well done the secounds it lasted.

The violence goes directly with the story, a guy which follows a basic wiring program like that! Aaah, it's just lovely! (*Smile*)

The graphics were also all fine, the scene with Brandon himself were better drawed than the guy at the scetch which it's supposed to be like.

Well, I don't got so much to complain about, maybe the sound there. I think some background sounds and a scream are missing.

However, thank you VERY much for submitting on Newgrounds!

/Mathias Andersson

Neil-Swenson responds:

Wow, thanks man. Everyone here's complaining to me about how short it is (apparently no one's read the description, cause I alreday know it's short!). Anyway, it's nice to see someone who's not taking this so seriously and just enjoys the movie.


Matt you owns!
I don't know if sending you a review is neccessary though I've spoken to you like most of the time before the submission and after it. But you seen too drunk after the subbmission to even remember to log out so I'll better send you this! (*Smile*)

This was freaking awesome! (*Happy Smile*)
The movie owned. The fourth movie got the improved graphic, but this got the improved graphic but also, you let the audience view the fights from whole new perspectives! I like when you make it look like as if he were shooting right at you but he's shooting at someone behind the camera view.

The sound was very good but I didn't like the ending though he died (Again).
I hope you'll use the idea that he has got a son, which will come back and mess in his place.

The title is great! Depredation means a predatory attack, a raid or a destructive action (For those who don't know). And that fits perfect though the whole movie is just about that, he gets in, slay people around him, and gets out (Well he don't come very far after he gets out, but anyway).

I am not quite comfortable with all the texts like "OMG CLOWN" and so on which appears once in a while. I think less text in next movie would be good and more "Body counts". I thought it was alright in the fourth movie but it was way too much in thisone.

I like the scene there he shoots with the pistol and the forend goes back (I'm not sure what it's called in English. It's like the forend of a shotgun but at the top of the handgun. It could also be called cloak) and he throws the handgun so the handgun penetrate the stomatch and while it's inside the body the cloak falls back again and the handgun goes in even further. (I know it's an attack with rifles, that you hit the muzzlebrake in the forehead of the enemy but never heard of something like THROWING it into someone, and especially not a handgun, and into a stomatch. Quite unreal but awesome to watch! (*Smile*)

Anyway, I'll hope you'll continue the serie and if you won't I'll make you! (*Just Kidding*)

Nice to see that you're having the Newgrounds preloader logo too.

Anyway, keep up the godly work!

/Mathias Andersson

Krinkels responds:

Dude, good eye catching the pistol slide there, I didn't think mayn would catch that. Expect more goofy assed stuff like that in the next one, which won't be out for some time, sadly.

Thanks for the ultra-big review! Gives me something to read at work.

Not what I hoped for.

I believe I'm supposed to review this.

I will make a VERY long post about this. Even though it will be constructive, you may not be able to take the critism. Anyways... (*Glad, Evil Laugh*)

Graphics: Not very impressive. The fonts had almost the same color as the background. (Think grey, white, light-blue... Not very good huh?) It's still ok. The background is linked metal. Hmmm... Look at the pattern. Why would anyone make a pattern like that? I don't think it's cool, it looks like a kid made it and thought it was cool. But it would never be worth building such a metal door or wall. So the background picture looks, as in modern tounge; "Gay". The play button need to be fixed too. The triangel which you're supposed to press does not sit in the middle of the circle.

Style: Not impressive at all. I would like to see someone who knows what he/she talks about to do something like this. And your guidelines are incorrect. YOU are supposed as a reviewer to choose whatever you want. According to how I review movies for example:
0 = Bad, none existens.
1 = It's not the best, but atleast it's something. In Interactivity I give 1 point for each function. A pre-loader does often automaticly give you 2 points.

And I won't talk about what the rest of the points mean though it's different all the time.

You also said that you would respons to all the reviews. That is one simple step for a reviewer. A reviewer do also answer to all the reviews they get. So you would encourage authors to respond to their reviews.

Sound: The music got two beats which crossed eachother with a variety. As the author you're responsible for picking out the best you can find (That's why I pointed out the background).

Violence: Not existing. If not the violations of that every reviewer put up their own rules for how many points means what. See it as 0 = Bad and then 1 is good but for each number it rais it's better.

Interactivity: Put a invicible button behind the graphic (The text) instead of making the text into the button itself. And the replay button did't take you to the instructions. Not good.

Humor: I think it's funny that you as an almost unknowing person gets into a subject as if you could give advices. (I got to say that I usually ain't this mean, but if this is supposed to be a guide (Which I saw you say in a update, claiming for not getting the front-page) it got to be flawless.

Overall: I could put 0:s on everything and then 10 at Overall 'cos there is something I think you missed which ain't in the other guidelines. You said something about that but then in the test, you didn't give ful points for those who used that as an answer. The "wrong" answers didn't make sence in the sentance either which is bad.
Anyway, you'll get 5 for your effort and so on. Afterall you tryed, even though I would only recommend this as a basic guideline. Any big reviewer would have their own opinion about this.

Anyway, thank you for submitting on Newgrounds!

/Mathias Andersson

Potski responds:

Hmmmm. I don't know what to say.

Quite good.

To start with it's spelled as "beneath".

I would like to point some things. Some things made me lower some scores and the overall:

Graphics: 4 instead of 5 because of the ghost on the stage which were poorly drawn. If you'ld just draw that ghost (And the star beneath the stair) better (Which ain't really hard though there's only two small characters I'm requesting), it would look alot better.

Sound: You'll get 9 in sound 'cos the song is good enough and so on (Very good song), but I considered lowering it to 8 though afterall it's only a song, the teddy's voice is abit annoying and the movies in the background (Like when something jumped out from a cliff (Unfortainly I couldn't see what it was, maybe a bird or a seal) does not contain any sound effects.

Interactivity: Did not get 4 though it was hard to see that the guitar was the re-play button, and it only took you to the pre-loader, not to the first frame (A.k.a. the beginning of the movie).

Overall: 5 = 5 on a 10 scale is 2.50 on the 5 scale.

Anyway, I think this movie is good. You're teddy doesn't look so happy, but I suppose it ain't.

Thank you for submitting on Newgrounds!

/Mathias Andersson

die-kid03 responds:

hahaha i knew i spelled that wrong!I tried to spell it out like 5 times but it looked wrong every time i typed it.. hahaha thanks a bunch man. I must say, your review was probably one of the most thorough and fair reviews i've ever recieved....thanks dude.

Rose is dead, her neighbours has no clue, the basement has started to smell, but not as much as you!

Mathias Andersson @Andersson

Age 37, Male


http://z6.invisio nfree.com/CP

Stockholm, Sweden

Joined on 6/13/04

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